I would like to give you a warm welcome to our Padre Pio Family!
Your generous monthly contribution is a great boost to our apostolate to spread the life and teachings of Padre Pio far and wide!
This gesture of trust and generosity will not go unnoticed. Padre Pio will certainly reward you!
Remember, you have already been enrolled in next Friday’s Padre Pio mass, as well as monthly and/or weekly masses depending on your chosen level of support.
We are really excited about sending you your gifts as a token of our heartfelt thanks!
They should arrive within 10 working days. If you do not receive them, please contact us immediately at info@followingpadrepio.org
May Our Lady and Padre Pio bless you!
Sincerely yours in Jesus and Mary,
Philip Moran
Friday Mass Enrolment
Start by filling in your details below, then click the Yes button. You will be immediately enrolled in next Friday’s Padre Pio Mass.